Our wonderful neighbors consult on the garden regularly, and as they are remodeling their house, suggested that we use their unneeded rocks to hold down the bottom of the deer netting. Perfect solution!
The plants finally got planted last Wednesday afternoon. We made some elevated rows and watered and dug and got those plant roots right in. The plants were delighted to be in their permanent home after 10 days of hanging out inside the house and on the lawn in their plastic planter boxes. As we put each plant in its row, I wished it good luck and asked it to bring us lots of nice vegetables. Hopefully the words of encouragement help them grow up big and strong. Along with, you know, water and sun and all that.
So that we can monitor their progress, here's some "before" shots of all the veggies just after putting them in the ground.
I spent a lot of time Thursday and Friday admiring the garden. After all our hard work , it looks so nice!
Also snuck in a quick trip to the Wednesday farmer's market last week to get eggs, a tomato, and some red leaf lettuce.
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